Fact or Folly: Authenticating Online Information
This is a topic I hadn't really thought about before this class. Of course if someone posted it to the internet it was correct and trustworthy. Could I be more gullible? I've always believed if you're going to take the time to post something people can search for and get information from, you want to do the best work possible. Since this is not the case with everyone, the article does give you some key questions to ask yourself when wondering if the site is correct.
Who is the source?
What am I getting?
When was it created?
Where am I?
Why am I there?
How can I distinguish quality information from junk?
If we always ask the above questions maybe we will be able to discard untrustworthy sites and get the correct information.
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I think that we can all be too trusting. It is amazing how much good information is out there from authorities of any given subject. The reality is that people are lazy. We are too lazy to challenge the information that we find and too lazy to take the necessary steps to give credit to our sources. The moral of the story is that we need to be diligent with our information offerings and in the information we use. I also want to add that people often are also too lazy to protect their own information and really open themselves up for thievery.
I have done the same thing when it comes to "trusting" information on the web. I thought the same way as to if someone is going to post something for the world to see, it is correct information. I agree with Jonathan that we are lazy and not willing to challenge ourselves to give proper credit and/or find out if the information is correct.
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